Thursday, 25 April 2013

"The cat who tailed a thief" by Lilian Jackson Braun

I haven't been reading much these days, because I have been desperately trying to cram information into my head for my fast approaching exams.
But I made time to read this, because everyone needs a break now and then.

This in not the first time I've read a "Cat who" novel I have read other books in the same series and they're good, but to be honest I find that once you've read one you've pretty much read them all.

It's cute series though, and it's a nice read. It's the kind of thing that I'll read when I want to read something nice and simple, something that doesn't demand my concentration (again. exams).

Basically the "Cat who" novels are all about a man named Jim Qwilleran (but for some reason everyone calls him Qwill, or mister Q) who owns two Siamese cats named Kao K'o-Kung (more commonly known as Koko for obvious reasons) and Yum-Yum.

Now this man Qwill is a crime reporter, and he lives in a small town somewhere in the united states with these two cats, and he solves crimes. They are mystery novels after all.

But he's not really the one solving the crimes. Nope. That's Koko's job. The cat is super intelligent and always manages to find ways to help Qwill save the day. The cat doesn't talk or anything. He just leaves clues by knocking stuff over and things like that.

A crime solving cat. Cool idea really.

Jim Qwilleren does most of the work though, and the story is seen entirely through his eyes. Koko just points him the right direction most of the time. And Yum-Yum doesn't do much at all. Figures that the cat that doesn't have a real role is that cat that's a girl.

Other than that they are a good read. I would recommend them for when you want a fun read that isn't going to change your life in any way.

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