Monday, 13 May 2013

"The Host" by Stephenie Meyer

I didn't want to read "the Host" at first because the Twilight Saga hadn't impressed me all that much. Not that I hated it, because I didn't. I say this because Twilight is one of those books that people either hate or love. I didn't hate Twilight, but I didn't love it either. There, now that that's out of the way...

"The Host" was lent to me by a friend who convinced me to read it. And I was pleasantly surprised because I enjoyed very much. I found it interesting and quite sweet. Also the concept of the alien life forms invading earth was really cool here. Not cheesy as most alien invasions are, at least in my eyes.

In this case the aliens are actually these parasite type creatures who take over the bodies of the life forms occupying the invaded planet. And they're very peaceful creatures who don't like conflict or war or any of that stuff. So obviously they invade us. Which isn't conflictual or warish at all, no, no...

Anyway, what happens usually when the aliens take over the host body is that the previous consciousness of the human is erased. But this is the story of a girl who resists the invasion of her own body. So the alien (named wanderer) and the girl (Melanie) kind of have to learn to live with one another, seeing as they have to share a body.

It's also a love story. Melanie is in love with a man named Jared, and Wanderer feels Melanie's emotions and so falls in love with him too. And then madness ensues...

It's a good story. I definitely would recommend.

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